Small Doggy Daycare

Is your furry friend left home alone? Missing their dog friends? Needing exercise and stimulation?

Then you’ve come to the right place! Here at Millie’s Doggy Day Spa, our doggy daycare is the perfect solution! Our centre is specifically designed for small dogs, and has everything they need to have an absolute blast from drop-off until pick-up.

Your furry friend will enjoy toys, cuddles, activities, comfy beds and of course, making some best friends FUR life!

We have an amazing indoor-outdoor flow to suit all weather conditions, so your dog will be comfortable and at ease no matter what the weather.


Casual Spot
$35 per day

Flexible booking – book online here

Permanent Spot
$30 per day

Rate for permanent weekly set day/s
Contact us to secure your regular spot

Stay ‘N’ Play
(After a Full Groom)

Open Tuesday to Friday – 7:30AM to 5:30PM
Discount applies for multiple dogs

Book Your Dog in Today!

Bookings are essential for our services. For all enquiries and grooming bookings, we’ve made it easy for you to get in touch with us.

Get in touch